Comertia Retail Indicator

The Comertia retail indicator is a monthly report launched by the Association in 2010 to provide real data from the sample of Comertia companies.

The indicator’s aim is to have data that allow a short, medium and long term diagnosis of the health of the associated retail companies, focusing on three key issues: sales, number of establishments and staff.

The consistency and history of the data has turned the Comertia retail indicator into a benchmark tool for economists, analysts, and the media, serving as a thermometer for the state of consumption.

Comertia App

The Comertia APP is an internal communication tool that speeds up the dissemination of information and socialisation between the organisation and associated companies. The tool allows knowledge management, offering all users access to the Comertia document base and optimises internal processes.

App Comertia includes: an agenda with all the activities, a chat, detailed information about Comertia’ ‘members’ shops location and information about the representatives of the different areas of Comertias’ members.

This tool is part of Comertia’s digitalization project, and the application is available for Android and iOS technologies.

2020 Annual Report

Download Comertia report in pdf format.

    2019 Annual Report

    Download Comertia report in pdf format.

      2018 Annual Report

      Download Comertia report in pdf format.

        2017 Annual Report

        Download Comertia report in pdf format.

          2016 Annual Report

          Download Comertia report in pdf format.

            2015 Annual Report

            Download Comertia report in pdf format.

              2014 Annual Report

              Download Comertia report in pdf format.

                2013 Annual Report

                Download Comertia report in pdf format.

                  2012 Annual Report

                  Download Comertia report in pdf format.


                    From Technical Office for Expansion and Internationalization (OTEC), Comertia provides its members information to expand and internationalize, seeking synergies that could enable them to collaborate in those initiatives with joint implementation, destination, or interest projects.

                    Comertia internationalization commission was created with the aim to:

                    • Share information between companies that have already internationalized and those who have an interest in internationalization.
                    • Explain experiences in different countries, formats, or export formulas, etc. Set out doubts, How to export? What to do?…
                    • Raise discussion forums.
                    • Work common projects.
                    • Information about internationalization aids.

                    Reports, studies, and publications

                    Comertia provides its members with information on reports, studies, and publications on the retail sector, as well as information on the aid available to them according to company industry or companies needs such as energy saving, expansion, innovation, or marketing at the point of sale, and awards, among others.

                    Comertia periodically carries out internal studies on topics of interest to members, mainly on operations and/or functional areas: finance, IT, marketing, payment systems, ERP or technological systems, among others.

                    Comertia produces the Comertia Remuneration Sector Report every two years; a study that takes as a sample of companies in the commerce and distribution sector, some of them Comertia members and which contains an inventory of the most representative jobs in the sector. The purpose of the study is to identify new professional profiles, as well as to know the different salary levels to guide the remuneration policy of a company with similar characteristics.

                    Comertia sends a compilation with a link to the main studies and reports of interest to its members monthly by e-mail.

                    Retail de Triple Impacte

                      Resilient Retail. Noves mirades, noves perspectives

                        Retail Re-Generation

                        Vivint en transició


                          Valors com a factor de competitivitat

                            Un nou retail

                            Explorant el camí

                              Retail i economia circular

                              Reptes i oportunitats cap a una transformació sectorial.

                                Smart Retail

                                Connectant amb el client.

                                  La nova era del retail

                                    Històries d’èxit en retail: Experiències d’internacionalització

                                      Històries d’èxit en el retail: 10 anys compartint per competir

                                        Històries d’èxit en el retail: Com generar oportunitats

                                          Històries d’èxit en el retail: Com reinventar-se

                                            Productivitat en la cadena de valor de retail

                                              Planificació Estratègica a l’empresa de retail

                                                Branding en retail

                                                  Innovació en retail

                                                    Estratègies en xarxa: Recursos Humans

                                                      Expansió a l’empresa familiar de comerç

                                                        “Gestió a l’empresa familiar de comerç”

                                                        Recopilació de pensament i experiència de persones especialistes en temes d’interès per a tota empresa comercial.

                                                          Employee discounts

                                                          Comertia has a discount plan for associated companies’ employees. Each brand decides the type of discount or special conditions that wants to offer to the employees from all member companies and disseminates them through the Comertia APP. They can be temporary promotions and offers, or applicable for the whole year.

                                                          Download the APP